My Heart is Touched

As most of you are aware Alternative Routes held a benefit exercise class on my behalf on 8th of Feb, 2020.

There are no words to describe the feelings of love and support from each and every one of you.

My army continues to make me feel that there is only one thing to do and that is to beat this piece of crap illness and then back to Whisper and Mandy for rehab exercise.

Special shout-out to Kendra for the wish bracelets which I’m wearing every day.

To Patty for being ready to kick my ass when I’m back.

And to all my family and friends I have nothing but love for all of you. Thank you again.

– Love Sue

Some moments from the event:

Alternate Routes Kick Cancers Ass

Whisper Gardiner, Owner/Operator of Alternative Routes and friend of Sue’s is holding a class to show support in kicking this tumor’s ass!

Feb 8th, 08:30 AM – 09:30 AM

Strong for Sue – HIIT Circuit

On Saturday February 8th, our regular HIIT Circuit class is going to be STRONGER then EVER! We are going to bust out a serious workout so that we can send Sue our Strength and kick Cancer’s Ass TOGETHER! We are in her corner and we want her to know we are Stronger Together! She’s one of us and we look out for each other!  If you want to show Sue your Love and Support, show up, work hard and bring a donation to help her and her family through this challenging time!  If you can’t join us for the workout, we will be accepting donations in person or by EMT to:

Edit: My apologies if anyone thinks the above message means anything has changed regarding Sue’s condition or diagnosis. Nothing has, I will post ASAP if anything does. Everything is still the same as Jan 31 Update. Expect another one sometime Sat afternoon.