Mon, Feb 3 Update; London

Didn’t want to leave everyone hanging. Today we received a whole bunch new information. I would say the information is “good news”.

The beginning of a real plan are finally being put in place and a lot of puzzle pieces came together. There’s some more tests to be done.

At this current point in time there will be no surgery, other more appropriate treatment measures are going to be used.

We aren’t prepared to share too much more information this evening but I promise we’ll give everyone more details sometime tomorrow. This evening were just updating all the immediate family and “processing” all this new information.

We appreciate all of your support and understanding, everyone has been so helpful.

Sun, Feb 2 Superbowl Update

Hope everyone is doing well. Straight to the point, still waiting.

Brief Doctor visit this morning told her they’re going to put a plan together Monday or Tuesday and will be able to figure things out.

For those of you partaking in superbowl festivities, enjoy! Sue’s waiting for the half time show – only part she cares about.

8:45pm Update: Sue enjoyed the half time show 😉

Sat, Feb 1 Update; London

Good day to all of you. Starting to sound like a broken record over here but … still waiting on biopsy results.

Dr came to visit early this morning mainly to update on no results yet. And he also told her this wait time is pretty normal, often have to wait a week. Always good to know that after its already been close to a week 😉

Sorry we don’t have much else to tell you all but it’s starting to look like it’ll be a quiet weekend.

Tonight I’ll be going back to Woodstock to sleep and be back here in London around noon on Sunday.

Thanks so much to Cody & Brit for lending me their home for the past week, it was a huge huge help!